After touring Presido la Bahía, Mary Alice and I drove a short distance into Goliad to have lunch and take look a around.

The layout of the town, around a central square, and the style of architecture reminded us a lot of Jackson, WY. We had a very good sandwich then took a short stroll around the Couthouse Square.

Here’s a few pictures.

The Courthouse in Goliad.

The Streets Around the Courthouse are Quite Wide and the Buildings Have an “Old West” Appearance.

Another View of Downtown Goliad.

The “Hanging Tree.” Before the Courthose Was Built, Court Was Held Under This Tree. Capital Sentences Were Immediately Carried Out By Hanging the Prisoner from the Tree’s Limbs. By Some Accounts, Several Hundred Unlucky Souls Met Their Demise Swinging from this Tree.

We Saw This Sign in a Locked Courtyard. I Could Not Resist Taking This Picture Through the Fence Since We Lived in Durham, NC Quite a Few Years. Bull Durham Tobacco Was Processed, There.