Final Post

I have made the decision to drop this website as it seems to be getting more and more expensive to keep it operational. That coupled with the fact that we are not traveling as much as we once did. Thanks to all who followed our travels. Be safe and have fun. All the...

Moving to Tallahassee Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning, we will be moving to Tallahassee for about 10 days before heading home. I’ll be helping an old friend work on one or more Triumph sports cars in preparation for the National Triumph Convention being held in Dillard, GA, in the fall. We’ve...

Suwannee Stay Nearing an End

Today is March 28, and our Suwannee River winter stay is coming to an end. We will be moving to Tallahassee on April 9, where we will stay until April 19. After that, we’ll be heading home for the summer. There, we have a long list of tasks to accomplish. The...

An RV Electrical Problem – Imagine That!

A couple of evenings ago, 120V AC power to the travel trailer was suddenly interrupted without warning. One minute, it was working the next it was not. Since it was dark outside, I really did not want to get into troubleshooting, but I did since it was warm and humid,...

2-8-0 Steam Locomotive

The steam locomotive pictured below is in Gulf Hammock, FL, a wide spot in the road along US 19/98, south of Chiefland, FL. I have driven past this place dozens of times without stopping to see the history of the steam locomotive and how it came to be on display here....

Halfway Through Our Winter Stay

Today is February 15, and we are just past halfway in our planned Suwannee River winter stay. It has been a pretty mild winter, so far, with the coldest spell ocurring during Christmas week while we were in Kansas. Days with temperatures in the range of 65 – 80...

I Got a Rock!

Those of you old enough to remember the old Charlie Brown TV Christmas Special may recall Charlie saying, “I got a rock,” when all the kids are gathered around on Christmas day excitedly listing the gifts they had received. Well, I got a rock while fishing...

Our Fishing Luck Continues!

Yesterday, we caught two 8-pound catfish. Our fishing luck seems to have continued since we moved our submerged trot line to a new location several hundred yards down the river. Two 8-pound catfish!

12 Pound Catfish!

Our fishing luck changed today when we pulled in a 12-pound catfish on our submerged trot line. Until this happened, fishing had been slow for the past couple of weeks. Maybe this will jumpstart our fishing efforts. Posing with the catfish, below, is my 88-year-old...

Shired Island Park

Yesterday, Mary Alice and I visited Shired Island Park. It is located about 10 miles north of the town of Suwannee and is maintained by Dixie County. Located on the Gulf of Mexico, it features salt water marshes, estuary pools, and a shell mound reputed to be up to...