Those of you old enough to remember the old Charlie Brown TV Christmas Special may recall Charlie saying, “I got a rock,” when all the kids are gathered around on Christmas day excitedly listing the gifts they had received. Well, I got a rock while fishing for catfish using a submerged trot line. Portions of the Suwannee River have a hard limerock bottom. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the picture, below.

Yesterday, we caught one 2-pound catfish and this rock. One of the trot line hooks got hung up on the bottom and snagged our line. I had to pull sharply on it to break it loose, and this is what was on the hook when I got it to the surface. How many people can say they caught a rock while fishing with a trot line?

A Piece of the Suwannee River’s Limerock River Bed.