I Got a Rock!

Those of you old enough to remember the old Charlie Brown TV Christmas Special may recall Charlie saying, “I got a rock,” when all the kids are gathered around on Christmas day excitedly listing the gifts they had received. Well, I got a rock while fishing...

Our Fishing Luck Continues!

Yesterday, we caught two 8-pound catfish. Our fishing luck seems to have continued since we moved our submerged trot line to a new location several hundred yards down the river. Two 8-pound catfish!

12 Pound Catfish!

Our fishing luck changed today when we pulled in a 12-pound catfish on our submerged trot line. Until this happened, fishing had been slow for the past couple of weeks. Maybe this will jumpstart our fishing efforts. Posing with the catfish, below, is my 88-year-old...

Shired Island Park

Yesterday, Mary Alice and I visited Shired Island Park. It is located about 10 miles north of the town of Suwannee and is maintained by Dixie County. Located on the Gulf of Mexico, it features salt water marshes, estuary pools, and a shell mound reputed to be up to...

Baby Alligators on the Suwannee

This year, we have quite a few small alligators hanging around the dock on the Suwannee River. Some park guests report seeing as many as six at one time. Here’s a picture I took of two small ‘gators sunning themselves this morning. A Couple of Small...